Catabwa County landed four awards from a national association. | Stock Photo
Catabwa County landed four awards from a national association. | Stock Photo
The National Association of Counties has honored Catawba County with four awards for innovative programs that strengthen residents provided to residents.
The Catawba County Library System’s “Library to Go” program, which has expanded services to non-traditional local and under-served audiences won a Best in Category award. The library system’s “Live Well @ the Library” program which encourages healthy behavior also earned an award.
The county tax and information technology department was honored for its “Foreclosure Dashboard,” which provides real time reports on foreclosures.
The Utilities & Engineering and Communications & Marketing departments were honored for the “Make Your Recycling Efforts Count!” video campaign launched on Earth Day 2019.
“These awards provide a meaningful way to recognize our County team for the innovative and effective services they are delivering for our citizens,” said Catawba County Manager Mick Berry said in a statement. “I am proud of the commitment all our employees make each day to help meet the evolving needs of our community as effectively as possible.”